I want to stand my ground. I'm tired of the way I back down too easily. I think your rule making idea is an excellent one. I am going to make a bigger list and put it in my wish jar, which I might well now rename my 'Rules for living' jar. Thank you for the inspiration! ♥

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You always make me feel better Josie.The present is really difficult at the moment.Even at the worst of times I have always somehow felt stronger than I should given the circumstances but it’s all becoming overwhelming recently and I can’t see the way through because I am so hurty and weary.Your words give me comfort, so honest and positive,I don’t like hearing your bad times but only because I know how they feel and I want you not to feel like that.I have your back just like you have other’s.

PS a particular thank you for the self hypnosis for pain, I can’t take anything but paracetomol and ibuprofen gel due to hypersensitivity and they barely touch it but this gives me a different avenue to explore thank you

Take care🌻xx

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Brilliant as always, Josie!

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Thank you for this Josie - I’m learning about the moon with the help of the incredible Earth Pathways diary - by the great artistic team based in Derbyshire - I’m trying to line myself up with the moon more - so at the moment it’s a Lammas moon in Capricorn - so I’m gardening with earth on my boots and trying to think about rules and boundaries. I’m learning to be a boundaried person, and there’s a joy to owning a boundary that I’ve created.

I’d like to think more about my daily rules - I’m sure I have loads of learnt ones compared to self-created ones. It’s a great idea, Josie

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Yes thank you once more and, if you like them, a big gentle hug too. I made a decision not to be steamrollered into an investigative procedure this week. The thought of it and the preparation was triggering all sorts of past traumas and I have taken back control. I will do it but in my time and in my way and protect my body and spirit first and I will sit in nature even if I cannot stride out!

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I’m going through difficult time at the moment but I’ve found time in nature is solace, it’s helping me get through. So for me a fundamental rule is connecting with nature everyday, spending time outdoors if possible but if not finding other ways even if it’s birdwatching out the window.

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Beautiful, I love the idea of rules of what you WANT each day to feel like. And yes I like the part at the end of what you're making/reading etc.

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