Making the people you meet the main character, and being lucky to meet them! I absolutely love this idea. Safe spaces are so important, I've got a safe space at the community room we have that was a disused ticket office, it's now growing as a lovely community space. I'm starting a group for chronically ill people to meet (with masks and air purifier) and do art/craft. Excited to meet some new main characters!!

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Might I humbly offer that THIS IS PERFECT because it may be one of your best bimblings pieces EVER? 🙏

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Josie it’s great that you enjoy being at the community centre! I find people and talk too stimulating but feel really encouraged by your post. Thank you. Such lively descriptions, I could almost see your companions.

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It occurs to me on reading this, that perfectionism is the constant striving for the perfect that is already here. Your perfect day is the contentment of this moment. You are lovely Josie!

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Thank you for this expression and interpretation of positivity. It's rooted in real and truth and encouraging reframing. All things I am working on in myself. You have beautifully written a tiny dance manifesto for us all, as we weave in and around and with everything in our life.

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Wow, Josie. You are an alchemist magically converting words into images and then expressions of exquisite depth and radiant beauty. Your writing is a joy. I cherish every precious post you dispatch. Thank you.

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Wow, this is the MOST perfect post and how I felt its waves of your positivity ripple all the way down to me, and revelled in the wonder of beautiful humans and the opportunities that come our way. Thank you Josie!!

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"Your job is to just be with what’s arising in this moment, in your body, in your heart, all around you, and to look for the possibilities.”

That is the best description of being in the moment without judgment I've come across. It's not so much being 'positive' as being real with the actual nature of events. Thank you for that.

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Your idea of making everyone else the main character reminds me of how I talk myself out of frustration when driving. If I tell myself it's a multi player game I have to get my team through, rather than me battling traffic to get somewhere, it magically becomes fun. "Yes!" I can tell myself, "the little red Polo made it through the lights, now let's all do the roundabout". There's so much peace in its not being about you, isn't there?

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Thank you. Genuinely feel better after reading this. Recently on a 'low' I needed hope and here you extending it. So grateful. Thank you.

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“Another game I’ve been playing lately is to decide that every person I meet is the Main Character. Not me, I’m not the main character today, they are, and, wow, isn’t it lucky that I got to meet them? Isn’t it lucky that I got to pay attention to the things they said and the things they didn’t say, the way they moved their body, the things they reached for, the things they pulled away from? This is perfect! What a chance!”

I LOVE THIS. Such a profound, yet simple, act that changes everything, shifting our perspective from me to we to you. Your choice to be creative with the adversity you face is a great act of self-love and love for life itself, in her many forms and flavors. Beautiful work.

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I will be seeing today with new vision. Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing “This is perfect because” I shall be borrowing it. Also for the lovely picture of your community centre, it sounds amazing. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you.

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Many years ago I used to read a story to my children called The Ugsome Thing in a book of stories by

Ruth Ainsworth called The Ten Tales of Shellover.

It has stayed in my mind for about 50 years now and this writing reminded me of it.


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i love this. i also love that this was read, so i could listen. gotta figure out that own feature for my own site. thank you!

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🪷 (words fail - except, hurray for you!)

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