Hi Josie, I’ve not read a word of your writing prior to tonight. In no way can I quantify or qualify what you have written. I feel like I read a vital parable, slowly paced and using soft edged words. Implicitly asking the reader, “You do know are bodies are capable of this and so much more?” I’ve been going about healing all wrong for my entire life. Tonight I found the manuscript that will help me unlearn the dysfunction of old ways and supplant my being with new ways. New awareness. I simply can’t thank you enough.

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I got a burn this week too (left arm) and I've also been watching it heal! It is the most extraordinary thing xx

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Such a wonderful love letter to your body

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I'm so glad you find meaning everywhere, Josie! Your writing is alive with wonder at the things we generally take for granted. Thanks for reminding me that my body is busily taking care of me, even when I'm not paying attention. I agree with you that the world would be a very different place if we appreciated how much nature supports us, and if we spent more time attending than consuming.

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Yes! I have experienced this joy at seeing my body can do this. I've been through some injuries (deep cuts) that took a long time and a lot of action by me and my doctors, and was afraid they'd never heal. When they did, it was truly joyful and wonderful to be reminded of my body's skill.

Thank you for writing this.

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Humans used to be custodians, healers of the land. What a world it would be if we could bring back that part of ourselves.

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Dear Josie,

What a magnificent piece you have written. It glows like ice, like fire, like something primal. It seems that you have somehow channeled the voice of the universe. You have a rare and exquisite gift. Thank you for sharing it.

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I had never thought of my body that way - trying to do its best and needing my help. Brilliant. Thank you!

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I have a long history with being too earnest and with having a complicated relationship with my body. Have been drafting a piece on migraine and thinking similar thoughts about how my body actually cares for me.

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I'm recovering from a broken heel and totally identify with how amazing our bodies are. The guy fitting my boot said ge entered the profession just because of his amazement at our bodies healing themselves. The challenge seems to be when to do my part and when to leave well alone and wait!

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Such beautiful lines❤️ Healing now too and watching my body parts in their knowing and timeline intuitively manage it all. Thank you for this!!!

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3 weeks ago I got ill with a virus Josie,it’s the worst I have ever felt in my 61 years.I was scared I wouldn’t get better but my fragile body turned the corner and began to fight.I feel like you that I am so thankful for the miracle that is my body.It might be faulty and fragile but it has a strength and the ability to protect me

That is a miracle

Hope you are keeping as well as you can

I haven’t been on social media but I know you are out there making a Josie style difference to the world🌻xxx

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Thank you 🪷

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Yes , our bodies are amazing things, being chronically ill we have to quietly find the strength ( however weak that is ) to trust that our bodies know what to do ,not so easy especially on a rough day but so needed.

Your lovely gentle writing shows that at so many levels ,thank you xx

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I berate my body sometimes and quarrel with it; this gentle and beautiful piece helps me to appreciate it. Thank you.

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Oh Josie, Josie, Josie. This, this this. I get so disappointed with my body, but it's trying it's best.

And I loved Once upon a River too. Beautiful.

Thankyou for your writing.

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