This made me deeply, deeply uncomfortable to read – and I love you for it x

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George

Josie, this is beautiful and so true. I could feel adrenalin and dread kicking up as you named fears I will hardly speak to myself--even as I have been doing the same kind of winnowing you describe here. Yes to the cherry trees blossoming in our own neighborhoods. Yes.

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George

You've struck a cord Josie. My present circumstances have made me re-evaluate needs and wants and I too am paring down on things, both tangible and intangible. It feels freeing, I've started small and each morning pick on something I can throw out of my life. Things are just things, good people are the things to hang onto. x Heather of littleramstudio

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George

So beautiful to hear you read - thank you. Have you listened to the wonderful audio book Elegant Simplicity By Satish Kumar? The Environmental Activist, Peace Campaigner and former Jain Monk? It’s also beautifully read xx

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Wow, there were so many bits of this I want to save and remember, come back to, savour. It is so easy to get caught up in more, or even in getting rid of things as a response to a trend to declutter rather than an honest look at why you have all the stuff, what you think it brings you, what you would be/feel/do without it. This has made me think more deeply. Thank you.

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George

Beautifully said! I recently had to move out of my house with all my things so it could be rewired and it struck me just how much stuff I had, and how much stuff I didn't even know I had - surely a flashing red light saying you have too much! I too am taking stock, opening my hands and letting things go. It's wonderfully freeing, like I'm making space for something better and healthier.

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George

I’m listening to Marion Milner’s 1934 classic ‘A life of one’s own’ a psychological study of her self, exploring her mind and finding what it is that makes her happy - reading your blog straight afterwards I felt some similarities coming together so I’m picking up your book from Waterstones in the morning.

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George

My house is too full, too. It's easy to give stuff away if I know it won't go to the dump, if someone else might want or need it. That makes a huge difference. I'm old enough to begin considering those who will be stuck with cleaning out my home after I die. Even when I cleaned out my grandmother's tiny room in a nursing home after her death, it wasn't a small job -- and obviously she didn't have much! I don't want to burden my loved ones with that when it's my turn to go. Meanwhile, less clutter equals more space both within my head and without. Too many material things feel like a burden right now and a big unwanted responsibility. So good for you; I need that inspiration.

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George

Thoughtful and inspiring. Thank you, Josie. 💜

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Apr 19Liked by Josie George


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A poem from Kurt Vonnegut


True story, Word of Honor:

Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer

now dead,

and I were at a party given by a billionaire

on Shelter Island.

I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel

to know that our host only yesterday

may have made more money

than your novel ‘Catch-22’

has earned in its entire history?”

And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.”

And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?”

And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.”

Not bad! Rest in peace!

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Thank you Joise, this resonates deeply with me. I have been quashing my own heart drum beat of Slow, slower, less as a way to live for a few months now. This post has turned the volume back up on that chant. Slow. Slower. Less.

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Josie, thank you as always for your thoughtful writing - so true and open. I've loved also hearing other people's book suggestions. I look forward to checking them out.

My current reading of The Abundance of Less/ Andy Couturier explores living simply in rural Japan and is so very thought provoking. I want to go live there!! But of course we can create similar, valued lives in the here and now. Which is what you are doing. And if we listen to ourselves and to the Earth it may well be what is needed by all of us globally 🙏🌻

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Beautiful 🙏🏻 you did it!! (Identity with so much. I have so much, and I'm very reluctant to give it away...)

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Hi Josie.

I listened to you reading your post to us. It was soooo soothing and relaxing. I loved the content and feel inspired to release some of my belongings/clutter/others treasure.

Thank you.💚

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This is brilliant.

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