What a beautiful, meandering wander around your mind. I fully “get” what you are saying and It seems you have cracked the being/doing conundrum. Can’t wait to read your book, you write do well!

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This really spoke to me. I live a lot in my brain and try and try and find solutions to my health issues - what will fix it. Make me better. But actually like you say I need to learn how to restart again. And again. And again. And for me, not feel defeated and get into the cycle of fixing things. Thank you for sharing this.

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Your art seems prolific to me... month after month I’m always ‘too busy’ to give in to the creativity that requires stillness, reflection and focus, 14 years since an arts MA and I’m bound up is work, home & fam. How to free ourselves mentally, allow ourselves to ‘wag off’ for some selfish creative time? Cooking and gardening also so creative can produce simple wonders. Have you read Eckhart Tolle on ‘thinking’? A New Earth or The Power of Now (read by him on Audible) are glorious ‘resetters’ for overthinking. Satish Kumar’s ‘Elegant Simplicity’ beautiful too. Thank you for your writing and posting. Thrilled about the new book. So many lives truly touched and enriched by the first one. Keep going flower xx

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Thank you for expressing what it's like to have to live a life like this. I'm also someone whose body can't do very much and I'm always in my head about "how can I be the person I want to be if I can't DO anything?" It's easy to feel erased. Those four points are really helpful, I'm writing them down to look at whenever I need to.

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Dear Josie, I feel so inspired by what you write. I relate to wanting to work it all out in my head. I spend heaps of time needing to rest with my head for company; looping thoughts keeping me company. I also am heartily sick of them. They change nothing. I'm practicing more often dropping into my body but I jump back to my head again so quickly. Frustrating! I'm trying to remember self-compassion. And despite all your health challenges you've written another book - wow! Congratulations, you're amazing. May we all be a bit kinder to ourselves... It's not easy cos we're changing years of habitual patterns that kept us safe and got us here. Thank you for your letter xx

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Thank you for your words. Words of reality and frustration but beautiful nevertheless. Thank you. I sometimes think I have cracked it, 'being' rather than 'doing' , but my brain gets in the way as well trying to keep 2 jumps ahead or 3 or 4! I hope you have a peaceful few days and see a glimpse of being that person you want to be.

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Congratulations on your new book, Josie. I cannot wait to read it. We are so fortunate to have your beautiful, magical words to read here whilst we wait. Thank you so much for starting again and again and sharing your art.

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Josie, that constant ‘thinking’/ brain chatter can take up so much time when as you say, you could be doing. I am finding that a short meditation practice every morning... stops the chatter, allows my brain to have a break and then I find that I am much more focused for the rest of the day. It’s a daily practice and requires a bit of discipline and staying power... but definitely a positive move.

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Beautiful Josie - and so true. I have learnt 2 things ‘ If you can’t do a big thing, do a small thing’ and, for me, ‘ My body is my friend’ - even if it stops me totally - it is still my friend - and I need to listen to what it’s saying to me. My clever mind doesn’t always ‘know’ and I can no longer let my mind override my body. Doesn’t work.

However turning to gentleness and kindness with myself bears amazing fruit.

Love your work !!

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I really feel so much of what you said here, and you’ve published a book! This is my dream, I guess it goes to show this is a conversation we’re always having with ourselves

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I always love your writing Josie xxx

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Best of luck to you Josie. Love your words photos and art.

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I love this. I’m empathising. A lot. Will write to you. I’m sending love also, dear Josie xx

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Dear Josie, your physical limitations must be unimaginably frustrating but don't for a moment think you are not 'doing' things. Your beautiful words reach out to so many of us. You truly are making a deep, connected relationship with the world. Sending love xxx

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So exciting to hear...love your wisdom and creativity.

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Such perfect sentiments. Fuck, it’s so hard and I’m so tired and I’d give anything to just find acceptance

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