Jun 28Liked by Josie George

Hello Josie… wow! Your writing about the doll touched me so deeply. Many years ago when my husband was alive and chronically ill, I made myself a doll to hold and to hold me… it felt sacred to me too to create her, me from cloth. A different skin but no less precious… ultimately.

Thank you for sharing your experience. It resurrected a powerful memory and allowed tears to open my heart wider. I am grateful for your touch ..


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I am finding something increasingly powerful about fabric, needle, thread. There is something deeply meaningful in slow stitching, forming something, the softness and malleability of it, the way we can repurpose old things. I'm so glad you found a way to work this very profound magic too, at a time you needed it so deeply. Sending you much much love.

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Jun 29Liked by Josie George

Thank you Josie… I’m inspired to consider doll making again. It’s been many years … but it is such a powerful art form …


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So beautiful josie, here’s my hand reaching back xx

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So grateful to have you with me, Lia!

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Jun 29Liked by Josie George

Thank you so much Josie for your, as always real, raw & beautiful reflections. For reminding us of small, simple acts that can offer a holding place; a holding hand.

I’d like to offer another perspective on the “fearfully” quoted (from Psalm 139, The Bible). The interpretation often used is misleading; here better indicating that creating life is a reverent, holy process.

The word in Hebrew is yārē’. It is translated fearfully but isn’t about being scared but rather about being in the presence of what is sacred.

That seems to me to describe well & honour deeply, something of your process with the doll.

With love & gratitude for/to you

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Thank you for this Claire! So interesting!

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Jun 30Liked by Josie George

Yes, your piece made me look again at Psalm 139, and the Hebrew 'yārē'. I agree with Claire that you seem to have captured very well the reverence in the process of creating.

Thank you

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Jun 28Liked by Josie George

Oh Josie. She is beautiful and you are beautiful. I am weeping, weeping, for all of us who spend so much time in hospitals, and who feel starved of tender touch. What a difference you will have made to the man in the waiting room. What a difference you make. You are so loved. Xxx

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Oh Wendy, such deep love in your words. Thank you. We are all so precious! x

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Jun 28Liked by Josie George

What an extraordinary offering here. Your reaching and holding (both for self and other) are so tangible, so honest. I fell into needle felting when I was struggling the most with my health, drawn to creating sculptures of hairless cats because their furless, exposed shapes, felt so much line my own raw vulnerability. Sometimes we need to feel our pain outside of ourselves in order to cultivate compassion for the experience. At least that’s how it was for me. Your desire to connect with all those other fragile forms is so touching.

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What a beautiful comment. I wholeheartedly agree. The worst thing we can do with pain is hold it, lonely and isolated inside of us. If we can let it stretch out, connect with others' pain and stories, touch the whole world with it, something transforms in us, powerfully. I really believe we're all here to learn how interconnected we all are. Thank you so much for your reading and gentle heart x

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Jun 29Liked by Josie George

I am so touched by your hand reaching out to mine, I am reaching back, being held, through words feels big and a beautiful calming blue. Thank you. X

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Jun 28Liked by Josie George

Your beautiful words reached me all the way across the world in our cold Wintery June in Australia. Thankyou.

They're resonating and bearing witness within my heart.

Reaching my hand gently to yours, to thank you and simply be together for a moment.

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I am so grateful to have you here. Sending you much, much love all the way around the world.

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So tender, so full of love. And thank you for the link to Ann Wood's shop - it's heaven.

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Isn't it just?! Thank you June!

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Jun 28Liked by Josie George

Just love…

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Always always!

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Jun 30Liked by Josie George

This was so exquisitely poignant and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the wider world ❤️

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So beautiful. The doll is beautiful and your words touched me. Thank you for sharing your experience and your heart.

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Jun 30Liked by Josie George

My heart is warm as I sit here well after midnight in NW Canada, the pain like a vice gripping my body, because you, Josie, you! Made a difference to those people, just like you make a difference to us, and just like you made your beautiful tiny doll. You are a wonder. ♥️

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Oh Heather. I hope you can get some sleep. Wishing you respite and rest and good things to cheer you xx

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Thanks, Josie. I will sleep soon. You’ve already done good things to cheer me!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Josie George

Beautiful. Does Tiny Doll have a name?

Take care, Josie. Glad you have F (and K) by your side. 🙂

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She doesn't! She just feels like a mini me really. I think I need to spend some more time with her. Thank you Cat xx

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Jun 29Liked by Josie George

Wonderful Josie, as always. Lying in bed this morning in discomfort, your beautiful words have healed me a little, thankyou. Xx

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Wishing you ease and rest and sunshine, dear Ronnie.

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Jun 28Liked by Josie George

Beautiful as always: you, your writing and your doll. Much love xx 🫲🏻

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Thank you dear Lindsay!

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Oh wow! Thanks for this gorgeous post.

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Thank you so much for reading!

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