Not long after I read this (thank you for another perfect piece of writing!) Kae Tempest's 'Hold Your Own' shuffled its way to the top of my playlist. I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted but if you haven't heard this amazing track (and indeed the whole of the album The Book of Traps and Lessons (the track People's Faces is going to the desert island with me)) I think it might chime...

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Ah …… Josie.

What a piece of learning - what a joy to discover this skill !!!

It feels like the Holy Grail is such a multi-faceted chalice and you are holding it right there in your hand. What a joy to read about this process.

Once I really, really heard something in every cell of my being …. and I’m not religious -It was - ‘ There is nothing you can do to make God love you any more, and there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less’ - it’s just all about being here, nothing more than that …… and finding the love in everything

Thank you for your beautiful writing Josie

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I will always remember that evening, the light slanting across the nature reserve and the sheer otherworldliness of the moonscape, the calls of the birds. We got stuck in the sand a couple of times, and that was a couple more things to laugh about, how ridiculous it was. That's all I want. It ruins nothing, we get to plenty of other beaches. That one wasn't ours, at that moment, but we used the time in a different way. Here's to the next time we proudly declare "We can do this!" and then follow up with "Oh, maybe not" and laugh.

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Lovely piece of writing ❤️

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You have spoken straight to my heart. I catch myself doing this now and then, but much less than I used to. After all I am 70 and have had a lot of years to practice gratitude. Lately I have been resizing our home of belongings so that we can move in a couple of years. I have time. So when I come upon an item or photo that has nice memories I cherish the memory and let the item go, sometimes with a photo but mostly not. My dreams have been plentiful and vivid and I think that is why. Thank you for your lovely writing and for sharing your vulnerability.

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I forgot to tell you earlier I’ve been thinking of this all day, and that we talked about it on the way to the vet. You are wise and lovely and I’m glad your words are out here doing magic.

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Wonderful words. A reminder to us all to live in the moment. Keep being an amazing person.

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Oh yes, thank you again for naming what I also do so easily - turn away from the treasure of now. Enough.

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Oh Josie I know that feeling so well alongside the what ifs. Your reminder has come at a great time thank you so much.

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Thanks Josie for another vivid descriptive scene in life. What a great practise to cultivate. Mucho appreciation for the reminder. Love and blessings to you and yours.x A

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